
Please Enter Your Postcode

BAYV don't operate in all areas of the UK. By entering your postcode in the box below we can determine if they operate in your area.

Success! BAYV operate in your area!

We are redirecting you to their website now. Happy Shopping!

Sorry, BAYV don't operate in your area!

Please choose from one of the catalogues below instead. They all offer similar products to BAYV.


Please Enter Your Postcode

Hughes Rental don't operate in all areas of the UK. By entering your postcode in the box below we can determine if they operate in your area.

Success! Hughes Rental operate in your area!

We are redirecting you to their website now. Happy Shopping!

Sorry, Hughes Rental don't operate in your area!

We are now redirecting you to BrightHouse, who do operate in your area and offer similar products.

Sorry, Hughes Rental don't operate in your area!

We are now redirecting you to Buy as You View, who do operate in your area and offer similar products.

Electricals & Appliances

Looking for a laptop or tv? Or perhaps a cooker or washing machine? Whatever appliance or electrical device you're looking for, Brighthouse tend to have the best range of options. Credit provided subject to successful credit and affordability checks.



If you're looking for a new sofa or dining table, we may have an option for you. Brighthouse have a huge range of furniture as do Furniture Village and World Stores, including sofas, beds, wardrobes, headboards, mattresses and more! Credit provided subject to successful credit and affordability checks.


Women's Clothing

If you're looking to shop online for women's clothing or footwear then one of the below catalogues might just be the perfect solution for you! We have found that Fashion World and Simply Be tend to cater towards the majority whilst the likes of Marisota is more aimed at mature women. Credit provided subject to successful credit and affordability checks.



If you're simply looking to do some online shopping, whether it be for Christmas or birthday gifts, or just because you LOVE to shop, the below catalogues could well be perfect! The Brilliant Gift Shop is our favourite as they have a huge range of gifts, jewellery, fragrances, toys, games, and more! Credit provided subject to successful credit and affordability checks.
